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TURISMO-ZIKLOA AMSTERDAMEN (2023ko azaroaren 20ko astea)

Azaroko aste honetan, Nerea Fz de Ortega Larruzea Francisco de Vitoria BHIko Turismo Zikloko irakaslea Amsterdamera joan zen TRIBE NLk antolatutako jardueretan parte hartzera.

Amsterdamera joan ahal izan da irakasleen Erasmus+ mugikortasun bati
Jarduera hauetan, hainbat autonomia-erkidegotako Turismo eta Ostalaritzako beste
irakasle batzuk eta Erasmus arduradunak ere izan ziren, hala nola Madrilgoak,
Gijongoak, Valentziakoak eta Segoviakoak.
Jarduera horiek gure ikasleei Holandako hotelen harreretan, praktikak egiteko aukera
ematera bideratuta zeuden.
Hori dela eta, programaren barnean bazegoen hainbat hoteletara bisitak egiteko
aukera, gure ikasleek praktikak egin zitzaketen enpresak bertatik bertara ezagutzeko.

Bestalde, programa honi esker Amsterdamgo Ostalaritza eta Turismo Eskola (ROC
van Amsterdam MBO College Centrum) ere bisitatu zen, eta horrek zabaldu egiten du
nazioartean Turismoari buruzko hezkuntza-arloan lan egin ahal izatea, bai eta
irakasleekin Europako hainbat proiektutan lankidetzan aritzea ere.
Horretaz gain, Nerea gida-enpresa batzuekin harremanetan jarri zen, ikasleek
praktikak mota honetako enpresetan ere egin ahal izan ditzaten.

Nazioartekotze Proiektua / Proyecto de Internacionalización /Internationalization Project

This week in November, Tourism teacher Nerea Fz de Ortega Larruzea, from IES
Francisco de Vitoria travelled to Amsterdam to participate in the activities organized by
This possibility of traveling to Amsterdam has been due to the mobility that Erasmus+
offers for teachers.
Other teachers and Erasmus coordinators from different autonomous communities,
such as from Madrid, Gijón, Valencia and Segovia, also attended this activities.
These activities were focused on providing our students with internships at the front
office in hotels in the Netherlands.
That is why the programme included visits to different hotels, to see first-hand the
companies where our students could develop their internships.
On the other hand, the programme also included a visit to the Amsterdam School of
Hospitality and Tourism (ROC van Amsterdam MBO College Centrum), which expands
the possibility of working on educational matters about Tourism at an international
level, as well as collaborating with its teaching staff in various European projects.
In addition, Nerea contacted different guide companies with the final objective that the
students can also do their internships in this type of companies.

Nazioartekotze Proiektua / Proyecto de Internacionalización /Internationalization Project


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